The snake and staff symbol is one that many of us might recognize today. Universally associated with medicine and healing, it appears in a variety of different locations, from ambulances to pharmaceutical packaging and staff uniforms, and even on the World Health Organization (WHO) logo. Interestingly, there are two versions of this symbol, one with a staff surrounded by two interwoven snakes and a pair of wings, and another with a single snake coiling around the staff. But why do we associate snakes with medicine when their bites are so deadly? Both snake and staff symbols have roots in ancient Greek mythology but reference different sources. Let’s look into the history of each.
Asclepius and the Single Snake and Staff

The symbol featuring a snake coiled around a staff comes from Asclepius, the ancient Greek god of medicine and healing. We often call it the Aesculapian rod. Ancient Greeks revered Asclepius for his amazing skills in healing and medicine. According to Greek myth, he could restore health and even bring the dead back to life! Throughout his life Asclepius had a close connection to snakes, so they became his universal symbol. Ancient Greeks believed snakes were sacred beings with healing powers. This was because their venom had remedial powers, while their ability to shed their skin seemed like an act of regeneration, rebirth, and renewal. So, it makes sense that their god of healing was linked to this amazing animal.
Asclepius Learned Healing Powers From Snakes

According to Greek mythology, Asclepius learned some of his healing powers from snakes. In one story, he deliberately killed a snake so he could watch as another snake used herbs to bring it back to life. From this interaction, Asclepius learned how to revive the dead. In another story, Asclepius managed to save a snake’s life. To say thanks, the snake quietly whispered its healing secrets into Asclepius’s ear. The Greeks also believed Asclepius had the ability to heal people from a deadly snakebite. There were a lot of snakes in ancient Greece, so this skill came in pretty handy.
Hermes and the Winged Snake and Staff

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The second snake and staff symbol features two twirling snakes and a pair of wings above them. It is called a Caduceus. The staff in the center belonged to Hermes, the messenger between the gods and the humans. The wings are a reference to Hermes’s ability to fly between the heavens and the earth. According to one myth, the Greek god Apollo gave Hermes the staff. In another myth, it was Zeus who gave Hermes the Caduceus, surrounded by two swirling white ribbons. When Hermes used the staff to separate two fighting snakes, they coiled around his staff in perfect harmony, replacing the ribbons and creating the famous logo.
Hermes Didn’t Actually Have Any Healing Powers

Unlike Asclepius, Hermes wasn’t actually able to heal or bring anyone back to life, but his snake and staff logo still became a popular medical symbol. This was perhaps because a group of 7th-century alchemists who claimed to be the sons of Hermes adopted his logo, even though their practice was more concerned with the occult than actual medical healing. Later, the U.S. Army adopted Hermes’s logo for their medical corps, and various subsequent medical organizations followed their lead.
It is also possible that somewhere along the line, Hermes’s Caduceus was simply confused with the Aesculapian rod, and the confusion was passed down through history. More recently, the Aesculapian rod has become the more common medical symbol, although Hermes’s Caduceus still pops up from time to time. It is a pretty striking and instantly recognizable logo, as you can see in the U.S. Army memorabilia.